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Lineup Recommendations
Player | Start or Bench? |
Note: Bench or start recommendations will be updated after the end of each game week.
How Bench Recommendations Work
- Team retrieval is available after GW1 deadline. Get your team id by clicking on your points tab in FPL and noting the [ID] value in the URL https://fantasy.premierleague.com/a/team/[ID]/event/#, see detailed instructions on how to find your FPL ID here.
- The tool follows the FPL rules to ensure you will have a playable formation
- The following is considered when making suggestions: upcoming fixture difficulty, player form, chance of playing, points performance so far this season.
- Unlike most tools, our fixture difficulty considers position, see FDRs by position
- The tool does not have access to transfers you have made before the deadline in the current gameweek (only what is publicly available); You can add/remove players manually to account for any intra-gameweek transfers
Analyze your transfers so far this season using the Transfer Analyzer.